CO2 smart Use Congres - CO2 as a valuable feedstock

CO2 smart Use Congres - CO2 as a valuable feedstock

Powered by: Port of Rotterdam, Port of Amsterdam, Glastuinbouw Nederland, Natuur- en Milieu federatie Noord-Holland, Natuur- en Milieu federatie Zuid-Holland, Gasunie, Noordzeeknaalgebied, Province of Zuid-Holland, OCAP and EBN

We want to position CO2 as the raw material of the future, helping the transition from a CO2-emitting to a CO2-absorbing industry. The Netherlands offers the perfect platform for these efforts. With two world class harbours, the largest (petro)chemical cluster in the world and an overall well developed economic ecosystem this will be the place to work on new value chains around the much discussed substance. To bring us a step closer to realising this ambition we partnered up with Gemeente Rotterdam, TKI Energie en Industrie and TKI Nieuwgas to organise a congress. This congress will feature speakers from i.a. Shell, Avantium, Linde and many more.

The programme

The programme is divided into three parts, beginning with CCU from lab to pilot where relevant scientists share the newest advancements. The second theme is CCU from pilot to demo, bringing you inspiring stories from successful, international start-ups like Climeworks and SkyNRG. A short round of challenges stumbled upon by entrepreneurs will form an informative yet energetic intermezzo. After that the third theme CCU, it’s commercial! will feature mature propositions that are ripe for investment. The day will be concluded with an energizing call for action from the horticulture sector.

Below the full programme:

09:30 Entry
Chairman for the day Petrochem Wim Raaijen
10:00 Welcome Rotterdam Arno Bonte
10:10 Explanation program &Flux Petrus Postma
CCU from lab to pilot
10:20 Formic acid from CO2 Twence Wim de Jong
Creating value from CO2 Coval Energy Frank Schreurs
Reducing CO2, producing chemicals: the potential of electrochemistry Avantium Klaas Jan Schouten
Disruptive capture tech Shell Rob Littel
Reflecting on new technologies Wim Raaijen
11:30 Interview: CCU challenges from a national perspective MinEZK Ed Buddebaum
Dutch CCU innovation strategies TKI Rob Kreiter
Phoenix, CCU Policy and the EU Innovation Fund CO2 Value Damien Dallemagne
Discussion Wim Raaijen
Lunch and networking
CCU from pilot to demo
13:40 Climeworks meets Antecy, accelerating CCU with DAC Antecy & Climeworks Robert Rosa
BOF2UREA, say what? TNO Soledad van Eijk
The biologic route, very logical indeed Photanol Veronique de Bruin
Aircraft powered by CO2 SkyNRG Oskar Meijerink
CO2 to CO by electrolysis Haldor Topsoe Tore Sylvester Jeppesen
Reflecting on the potential game changers TNO Earl Goetheer
Discussion Wim Raaijen
15:10 It’s not the technology, it’s the value chain! Networking
CCU, it’s commercial!
16:20 The biggest game changer, binding CO2 to cement Carbon Cure Kaja Salovsky
Upcycling with CO2, introducing Carbon8 Carbon8 Systems Paula Carey
The most feasible cases, where does Linde invest in? Linde Fred Hage
Algae; the green CO2 consumers Omega Green Monique Schoondorp
Greenhouse industry, a 2,5 megaton market OCAP Jacob Limbeek
Glastuinbouw Nederland Dennis Medema
17:15 Lessons learned and reflection PoR Nico van Dooren
17:25 Drinks
18:30 End of program


Congress speakers
Congress speakers

Would you like to know more about the speakers at the CO2 Smart Use congress? This brochure contains information about them and their CCU initiatives.

Download brochure
Location of the congress
Location of the congress

Do you want to make sure you can find the entrance to our location at RDM Next? Then the attached route description might be of help to you!

Location of the congress: RDM Next, Scheepsbouwweg 8, Rotterdam.

Route description
We want entrepreneurs in the CCU-field to come and thrive in the Netherlands by creating a fertile dynamic.

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