

An overview of state-of-the-art innovations to disrupt the building sector

Sinds 2017 werken we actief aan de versnelling van innovatie in de bouw. Dat doen we vanuit STIB.2030 (STimuleren van Innovatie in de Bouw), een organisatie die we samen met Jos Lichtenberg en Monique Donker-Blacha van Off Road Innovations hebben opgezet. Dat doen we mede in het licht van het project Atlas, de transformatie van het hoofdgebouw van de TU Eindhoven naar een extreem duurzaam en intelligent onderwijsgebouw. De kennis die in en rond dit project wordt ontwikkeld, willen we zo breed mogelijk verspreiden. En ervaringen in andere projecten willen we zoveel mogelijk benutten.

Daarbij benutten we ook onze eigen ervaringen in de verschillende projecten waar we aan werken (Dutch Windwheel, Dutch Mountains, Bright Park, Academy Het Dorp). In deze projecten zijn we in aanraking gekomen met allerlei waanzinnige, grensverleggende en nuttige innovaties. Innovaties op het gebied van onder meer bouwmaterialen, energiesystemen en smart mobility. Sommige van die innovaties worden al breed toegepast. Maar ons beeld is dat er al veel meer is en veel meer kan dan ‘de markt’ weet. En vooral de bouw kan veel innovatiever!

Daarom leek het ons zinvol de innovaties die wij tegenkomen en waar wij enthousiast van zijn op één plaats beschikbaar te maken. Namelijk hieronder! Het is de bedoeling dat dit een dynamische en groeiende database wordt. We houden ons dan ook aanbevolen voor aanvullende suggesties!


Blue Battery
Blue Battery

The Blue Battery is the only electrical storage system that is 100% sustainable. The battery stores electricity solely using water and table salt. This invention will revolutionize the energy storage world.

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Datacentres are wasteful and expensive. Nerdalize solves these problems by taking servers out of the datacentre and putting them in buildings. This way half the money and energy on datacentres can be saved

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PowerNEST is designed to solve the emerging energy problem of buildings from 5 levels and higher. The PowerNEST generates renewable energy using both wind and solar power integrated in a single solution, and that without producing any noise, vibrations or other disturbances.

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Power Window
Power Window

PowerWindows convert light into electricity. A fully transparent and colorless electricity-generating window. PowerWindow puts users in direct contact with sustainable energy at home, at work or traveling.

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Solar energy plays a key role in our imperative global transition to sustainable energy. SEAC works on innovative solar energy products and services. From development to market introduction, to make solar energy more effective, more profitable and more powerful!

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Solar Monkey
Solar Monkey

Solar Monkey delivers software and services to solar panel installers. the software offers output guarantees, introduces low risk investments and a high level of security in a currently very chaotic market.

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Bamboo fibres have a high potential. Based on its density, its capacity to grow fast, its low carbon footprint and its mechanical properties, Bambooder replaces oil-based raw materials with renewable raw materials by incorporating bamboo fibers into paint and composite applications.

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CyBe Construction
CyBe Construction

CyBe Construction is developing a 3Dconcrete printing method to solve the challenges in the construction industry caused by low tech or mid tech construction methods. 3Dconcrete printing not just changes the playing field in construction, but changes the game itself.

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Research & Startup accelerators


TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the sustainable competitive strength of industry and well-being of society. TNO is focused on a wide range of innovation, from buildings, information and traffic to security.

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Smart Mobility

Stella Via
Stella Via

The Solar Team Eindhoven has built the Stella Via a car that is equipped to carry five occupants for the first time. It is also more efficient than all solar cars before it. Powered by the sun, you won't have to charge anymore, the car also contains new, smart technology.

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Lightyear One
Lightyear One

Lightyear One is charged by solar power. This unique quality allows it to drive for months without charging. You are sure to have peace of mind, knowing your electric car can always drive. The battery ensures that you can drive anywhere, even at night.

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Smart Systems


Data is everywhere in our life, from work to social media, but how to protect it? BitSensor integrates with your application on the application layer to ensure protection of all data. Expected application response is used to define early intruder signals.

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Buildings produce lots of data. All this data is useful on its own, but connect the data with each other, and the results are extremely powerful! Suddenly, one knows the amount of energy it takes the installation to create a comfortable and healthy indoor climate.

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Water Management

Tube Barrier
Tube Barrier

With the weather becoming more extreme and the sea levels rising the chance of flooding increases. The Tube Barrier is the newest innovation for flood protection. The Tube Barrier is a flexible tube that acts as a dam.

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The Solly System
The Solly System

The next generation is the future. The educational package Solly introduces children from young age to substainability, nature and science. Together with gaming robot Solly children are working on a new, green generation!

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Call to action


Is your groundbreaking, disruptive, state-of-the-art, hyperradical innovation missing in this list? It can change; contact Ruben and soon you'll get your spot in this list!

Contact Ruben

Can't wait to kickstart your project today with one of these innovations? Let Cris know or contact the companies yourself!

contact Cris
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