let's discuss and build the future of work together

An exploration of the new landscape of work
Together with HEINEKEN we are working on a new office. During the development of the concept for this office we were hit by COVID-19. As a result, assumptions for the basis of our plan suddenly became uncertain. Together with HEINEKEN we have therefore developed a new approach to consider the current office as a Living Lab where we discover the new reality together with the employees and gradually build a new work concept.
This experience is not only valuable for HEINEKEN, but also for other organizations struggling with the same issues. And at the same time, in this uncertain period, other organizations are developing new knowledge and practical solutions that have added value for HEINEKEN. That is why we have taken the initiative to shape the Living Lab on a larger scale and in doing so, we have been supported by the Province of Zuid-Holland.
We named this regional – and perhaps national or international – Living Lab ‘The Brewery’. In this Living Lab new collaborations are given shape, new knowledge is exchanged and new propositions are built.
Welcome to the Brewery!
This fall, we have organized an engaging, all-online programme of high-quality lectures, meetings and other ways to discuss the future work environment.
We held 4 inspiration sessions that function as a kickstart for the different program lines. The program lines take a look at the different sides of the working environment of the future. The lines of activities, environment, behaviour and materials are discarded. These lines run parallel to each other and influence each other’s knowledge development. Within each program line challenges will be executed to create the work environment of the future. Let’s start with an introduction from Lennart Graaff.

Introduction: Lennart Graaff (NL)
The first program line is about what the future of working will look.
We are discovering a new way of working that largely takes place from our own home. Work is no longer tied to time or location and existing habits and patterns no longer work. how does the working environment of the future work? And what does that mean for today’s offices?

Activities: Marco van Gelder (NL)

Activities: Lewis Just (EN)
The second program line is about the working environment.
The office environment has a big impact on the wellbeing of the employees. Our surrounding can stimulate us to get focussed or relaxed. The challenge for a good office environment got even bigger at this moment because everyone is working from home. How can we create an environment that gets the most out ourselves?

Environments: Govert Flint (EN)

Environments: Nina Sickenga (EN)
The third programme line is about the behaviour of employees within the future work environment.
We made a shift from doing all our work at the office to do all our work within an online environment. The new experiences of working from home bring new challenges to light. Where previously the focus was mainly on health and safety regulations in the office, we now have to deal with a system where employees work both at home and at the office.
This inspirational session was not recorded. Therefore there is no video material available. Interested in this subject? contact Ruben
The last programme line is about the materials we use.
Materials have a major impact on how we experience work environment, they tell the story behind it. The current time also allows us to focus more on health. The use of materials plays an important role in how healthy a workplace is. How can we use the reuse of materials in such a way that workplaces are healthier, have more value and are better for the environment?

Materials: Jan Jongert (NL)

Materials: Laura Rosen Jacobson (NL)

Those outcomes will be tested in real-life at our facility in Zoeterwoude, right in between Rotterdam and Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
An open invite to two kinds of people.
We are looking for companies with ready-to-market innovations as challengers. And entrepreneurs, designers and thinkers to help them launch as inspirators. The inspirators will challenge the status-quo to create experiments that matter, experiments that bring us further.
What this programme will bring you.
Entering this programme will grant you three competitive advantages:
We will build new propositions.
We will gather a lot of exposure together.
We will build an unique network of gamechanging companies, public organisations and people.