An icon of smart healthcare

The Het Dorp Academy was launched by Mies Bouwman, the leading lady of Dutch television. In 1962 she opened Het Dorp, The Village, the most famous residential community for people with disabilities in the Netherlands. This village is now being drastically modernized. The academy was founded to develop Het Dorp into an icon of smart healthcare, in collaboration with dozens of companies and institutes, aiming to help people with or without disabilities to live in a healthy environment.

In 1962, Mies Bouwman raised over 12 million guilders to create the community, located in Arnhem in the eastern Netherlands. It is now managed by the care provider Siza. Now, modern times require a different approach. For this reason, developments in the fields of health, technology, environment and building need a model for the creation of new districts where quality of life and independence are key elements. Het Dorp will be that model.

The ‘Het Dorp Academy’ was launched on 9 May. Dozens of companies and institutes will collaborate to help Het Dorp become super smart, combining theoretical and practical knowledge to create innovations that will make care better and more efficient. The first building, with 36 new apartments, will be based on the principles of the active house and the healing environment. It is the beginning of a major renewal of the village that will continue in the coming years.

Mies Bouwman was thrilled to be back in Het Dorp. ‘Over the past sixty years, so much has changed’, she said. ‘Look around you. The changes are unstoppable. I’m sure these clever organizations will help transform Het Dorp into the best care environment imaginable’.

The changes are unstoppable
(Mies Bouwman)

Design: DoepelStrijkers, Rotterdam

Design: DoepelStrijkers, Rotterdam

The launch of the academy is part of a development strategy co-created by BLOC.