online sessions

online sessions

Welcome to another online session hosted by BLOC and partners!

Here we'll share some practical information regarding your session.

Find the essential links, get extra information and have fun!

An international discussion on the challenges of the circular economy in the building industry. 23 June 2020

Essential links

The session itself
The session itself

We host the session via Whereby. You can enter the room 15 minutes in advance.

Click here to enter the session
To participate
To participate

We use Mural as an digital whiteboard to interact with you. Please log in to the system to be able to contribute!

Click here to enter the Mural whiteboard
Problem with Whereby?
Problem with Whereby?

We made a small manual for Whereby.

Click here to set up working with Whereby and fix issues

Additional information speakers


BLOXHUB is the Nordic Hub for sustainable urbanization.We help our members to connect with partners, share knowledge and create business opportunities.

Check their website

We place people at the centre of our work to rethink architecture, spaces and materials.

Check their website

ECOR is the foundation for designing sustainable buildings & products that enable a circular economy.

Check their website

Your contact for this session